30 September 2010

Automatic Dimensioning for 3D Solids

Adaucogit Salt not only provides 2D automatic dimensioning function for AutoCAD software, but also 3D automatic dimensioning function. This new 3D dimensioning function was released in the later Adaucogit Salt s09 and s10 versions in this year.

1. The automatic dimensioning command.

28 September 2010

Settings of Automatic Dimensioning ~ Chamfer Distance

In a previous article, Chamfer Handling of Adaucogit Salt Automatic Dimensioning, we know that Salt has ability to identify global chamfers. In this article, we will introduce this feature with more detail.
There is an option called “Not dimensioned chamfer distance (less than or equal to) ” regarding chamfer in Salt automatic dimensioning function. (as shown below) The default value is “Auto”, and it means that the program will determine which chamfers are global chamfers and ignore them automatically.

27 September 2010

Settings of Automatic Dimensioning ~ Hidden Features (Hidden Lines)

When we use Adaucogit Salt automatic dimensioning function in AutoCAD software, there are three options regarding hidden features. They are “Auto”, “Yes” and “No”, and will be explained in the following.

26 September 2010

Automatically Set Measurement Scale for Dimensioning Partial Enlargements

In AutoCAD software, we generate a partial enlargement by creating a view port in a layout tab, but sometimes scaling a part directly in the model tab to generate its enlargement is expedient. Before dimensioning this kind of enlargements in the model tab, we should change the measurement scale in dim-style to keep the correct dimensions. Nevertheless, Adaucogit Salt also provides a tool to generate partial enlargements in the model tab, and more, if dimension them by using Salt dimensioning tools, they will be dimensioned in the correct measurement scale automatically.

In the following, generating a partial enlargement and dimensioning it by Salt tools will be demonstrated.

1. Enlarge the part which was circled in the below picture.

22 September 2010

Automatic Ordinate Dimensioning

Adaucogit Salt not only supplies automatic linear dimensioning for AutoCAD software but also ordinate dimensioning.
There are two types of Salt automatic ordinate dimensioning. One is “Peripheral” and the other is “Near”. In “Peripheral” type, dimensions are laid outside of all objects, and in “Near” type, dimensions are laid near objects. The operations of both are similar to using the linear dimensioning.

1. Run the automatic dimensioning function, and in the dialogue box, there are two options regarding ordinate dimensioning. At first, we choose type “Peripheral” for an example.

19 September 2010

Table of Circles

Generating a table of circles is one feature of Adaucogit Salt automatic dimensioning function. This AutoCAD plug-in can list diameters and positions of circles in a drawing.

Circles list (one option of Salt automatic dimensioning)

17 September 2010

Holes Identification of Adaucogit Salt Automatic Leader

Many AutoCAD users create their own blocks to improve the efficiency of design. For example, in machinery field, some users build blocks for varied holes such as screw holes, counterbores, and pinholes etc. In the previous article, we know that if these blocks have suitable names which present their features, it is easy to use Salt automatic leader to describe these holes. However, if some holes are drawn as basic entities like simple circles and arcs, how will Salt automatic leader treat them?

Adaucogit Salt automatic leader also has the ability to identify holes. For instance, as the below picture, when the program determines a circle with a cross, it will identify the circle as a pinhole. Concentric circles will be identified as screw holes or counterbores, and that is depended on what kind of line types compose the concentric circles.

16 September 2010

Block Handling of Adaucogit Salt Automatic Dimensioning

When we create blocks in AutoCAD software, we must give them some properties such as base points and names. These properties are also important for dimensioning functions of Adaucogit Salt.

In general, blocks in a drawing usually present some modules, so it is not necessary to dimension their details. To keep the drawing readable, describing what they are and annotating their positions are enough. By this reason, Salt automatic dimensioning function only annotates insertion points of blocks, and Salt automatic leader function describes blocks by referring their names.

Following is an example. There are three identical blocks, the block name of them is “Block”, and “Point A” is one of insertion points. We will use the automatic dimensioning function to annotate this drawing.

15 September 2010

Chamfer Handling of Adaucogit Salt Automatic Dimensioning

The automatic dimensioning function of Adaucogit Salt for AutoCAD software is very useful, and, in this article, how it handles chamfers will be introduced.
Generally, the shapes of global chamfers should not be dimensioned directly in an engineering drawing. Using a leader or making a note to describe them is more suitable. So an intelligent dimensioning program should have the ability to distinguish what are global chamfers and ignore them. Here, we will demonstrate how Salt automatic dimensioning function treats chamfers.

There are three global chamfers (C3), and two other chamfers (C10 and C40) in the below drawing.

Second Order Base Point

Sometimes, only the first order base point is not enough when dimension an engineering drawing.
Adaucogit Salt is a powerful plug-in for AutoCAD software. Its automatic dimensioning function also has the ability to determine whether the drawing needs second order base points and where to locate them.

The below drawing was annotated by Salt automatic dimensioning function.

14 September 2010

Automatic Dimensioning ~ Holes

Circles in a machinery drawings usually mean varied holes such as through holes, screw holes, pinholes, and counterbores etc. Only labeling their geometry features and positions is not suitable for engineering drawings. It is better to label their physical meanings (what kinds of holes they are). In the following, how Adaucogit Salt tools label these holes in AutoCAD software will be demonstrated.

In the below picture, varied holes which include through holes, screw holes, pinholes, and counterbores are annotated by Salt automatic dimensioning and Salt automatic leader.

13 September 2010

Text Scale of Automatic Dimensioning

Adaucogit Salt provides a powerful auto-dimensioning function for AutoCAD. Besides the main dimensioning feature, it also has some other features. In this article, a feature – dynamic text scale – will be introduced.
Dynamic text scale is a special feature of Adaucogit Salt auto-dimensioning function. The default scale is based on the size of objects which are selected for dimensioning. A user is also allowed to specify the text scale after dimensioning. When the scale is changed, the dimensions (include text size, dim-spaces, etc.) will also be regenerated immediately.

1. Such as the picture below, the program will ask for a text scale after dimensioning. You may specify a new text scale or just accept the current value.

12 September 2010

A Tip for Adaucogit Salt Linear Automatic Dimensioning - select all the views which you want to dimension at once

If you want to dimension a drawing which has three orthogonal views in AutoCAD software by using Adaucogit Salt linear automatic dimensioning function, selecting all the views at once is recommended. Through considering the relationship between these views, the program will make the layout of dimensions more reasonable.

Following is the procedure for Salt linear automatic dimensioning. Please notice the third step.
1. Click the automatic dimensioning button.